

在评估学生对经济援助的需求时,要考虑几个因素.  免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA)收集家庭和经济 资料供学生及学生家长/家庭计算预期 家庭捐款或EFC. 为了确定资金需求,EFC被从 学生的出勤费用. 就读费用包括学费、住宿费 and food allowance, books, supplies, transportation, and miscellaneous expenses. 

一旦你被十大赌博登录官网录取并且我们确定了你的财务资格 我们会给你发一份经济援助通知书. 书面录取通知书将邮寄给新生 and continuing students will be notified by email to log into their 自助服务 经济援助门户网站. 本通知书将列出所有种类及金额 你有资格获得的经济援助. 它还会显示您是否符合资格 根据联邦学生贷款计划借款. 如果你想使用 通知上列出的贷款,请在您的财务援助门户中接受贷款 通过 自助服务.

When Aquinas receives your FAFSA information, you may be selected for verification 联邦政府.  If so, we will email a request to you for additional documentation. We cannot determine your eligibility for 金融援助 or originate your loan until 我们收到指定的物品. 完成学校审核的截止日期 “year”是十一月的最后一个工作日. 如果不能在最后期限前完成,结果可能是失败 失去了联邦和州政府的援助.  除非另有说明,所有的财政援助将 在一学年的两个学期中平均分配.

接受十大赌博登录官网后颁发的机构援助将对传统学生更新 最多5年或学士学位,前提是学生是全日制学生(最低) 12 credits) and maintaining 学业进展满意(SAP).  机构的援助 授予继续教育(CE)和研究生的奖学金将根据奖学金具体情况续期 requirements (employment-based) and maintaining 学业进展满意(SAP).

Federal and state scholarships and grant eligibility and renewal will be determined on a yearly basis provided by the Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA).

Financial aid awards may be revised for any of the following reasons:

  • Your data and/or your parent data on the FAFSA was incorrect and the error has been 纠正.
  • 您的FAFSA信息被选中进行验证.
  • 你的住院医师换了.
  • 您的注册状态已更改.
  • 你拒绝了一个或多个奖项.
  • We have been notified that you received other aid or had other resources (Veteran's 福利,MET,校外奖学金等.),这是我们在前一个事件发生时所不知道的 颁发了奖项.
  • 你的暑期助学金已经处理好了.


Students who do not officially drop a class or attend the class within the add/drop period will be administratively dropped from the class and assessed a fee of $150 每个类. 在这些情况下,财政援助可能会有所调整. 对学生正式开放 在课程开始前或在添加/删除期间删除课程 不另外收费吗.

学生必须在整个学期中按顺序参加所有预定的课程 获得他们的经济援助. 当一个学生休学一学期的所有课程时, 财政援助办公室需要完成返回标题IV (R2T4)计算.  This determination is in addition to and separate from any adjustment to tuition 以及这学期的费用. 任何想要退学的学生 或从学期必须完成一个 退出形式,可在注册主任办公室索取.

The amount of the semester a student has completed as of the date 的撤军 is calculated by counting the number of calendar days that have elapsed in the semester and dividing that number by the total number of calendar days in the semester. 计划 五天或更长时间的休息不计算在内.  完成学业的学生 一门课程,然后退出或不参加所有剩余课程的考虑 a withdrawal for the semester and a federal return calculation will be completed.
学生完成的学期数量决定了挣得和不劳而获 援助金额. If the amount of federal aid already disbursed to the student’s account is greater than the amount the student earned, the unearned 基金 must be returned, 由学院或学生或两者共同提出. 如果支付给学生的金额较少 比学生挣到的金额,他或她可能有资格获得提款后 发放以前未收到的已获得的助学金. 学生及/或家长 will be notified of any post-withdrawal disbursement eligibility for student loan 基金.

The unearned percentage of federal aid is multiplied by the charges for the semester and by the total amount of aid disbursed for the student; the College is responsible 退还这两笔钱中较小的那笔. 学生可能被要求返回 任何未获得的资助减去学院退还的金额. 第四章基金是100% earned if the withdrawal date is after the 60% point in the semester.

所有R2T4计算均在确定之日起30个日历日内完成 的撤军. Funds are turned to the US Department of Education within 45 calendar 裁定日起计的天数.  如果学生被要求将资金退还给 US Department of Education (an overpayment), the student will be notified within 45 裁定日起计的天数.  学生必须偿还多付的款项 在通知发出之日起45个日历天内全额交回学院,否则将无法偿还债务 will be referred to the US Department of Education for collection.  在所有多付的款项中 情况,学生的超额付款情况将报告给国家学生 贷款数据系统(NSLDS). 多付学费的学生没有资格获得联邦财政资助 任何机构的援助.


  • 无补贴联邦直接贷款
  • 联邦直接补贴贷款
  • 直接Grad PLUS贷款
  • 直系家长PLUS贷款
  • 佩尔助学金
  • 伊拉克和阿富汗服务补助金
  • 联邦SEOG
  • 教授予

Students will receive a written 请注意 of any federal 基金 returned by the College. Invoices for any balance owed to the College will be sent out according to Business 办公室的政策. Any 基金 left on account at the College as a credit balance at the time 的撤军 will be used first to satisfy unpaid charges owed the College.

At the end of every semester, students who withdrew unofficially from the College (即在学期结束前停止参加所有课程)可能会被要求 to have a return of federal 基金 calculation performed if the documented last day of attendance or educational activity, as reported by the faculty, was on or before 这个学期60%的时间点. 计算程序概述 above are then followed, and the student is notified of any federal 基金 returned 代表他或她. 如果确定学生从未上过课或 在班级中,助学金将根据学生修改的入学人数减少 状态.

Examples of R2T4 calculations are available from the 金融援助 Office.


学生必须取得令人满意的学业进展(SAP)才能获得学位. SAP includes a review of cumulative GPA standing, degree program progress (“maximum 时间框架”)和完成率(“进度”). 所有的退学,不完整的成绩,还有 repeat coursework are taken into consideration when determining SAP.  不完整的 and withdrawals are counted as attempted credits, but not completed. 转移学分 are counted as both credits attempted and credits completed, but do not affect the 累积平均绩点. 非传统授信,包括信用 通过考试(AP, IB, CLEP等.)和生活经验的学分,被算作两个学分 尝试和学分完成,但不影响GPA. 满意的标准 academic progress apply to all students, regardless of enrollment 状态 or program. 学生已承担财务义务的所有学分都被考虑在内.

Student records will be reviewed for SAP at the end of each semester. 学生们 considered to meet SAP if their pace, or total credit hours successfully completed 除以尝试的总学时至少是67%他们符合十大赌博登录官网 累积绩点标准如下:


  • 修完12学分(十大赌博登录官网课加上转学学分)后,1.80十大赌博登录官网GPA
  • 修完24学分(十大赌博登录官网加转学学分)后,1.90十大赌博登录官网GPA
  • 36学分后(十大赌博登录官网加上转学分),2.十大赌博登录官网GPA


  • 修完12学分(十大赌博登录官网课加上转学学分)后,1.80十大赌博登录官网GPA
  • 36学分后(十大赌博登录官网加上转学学分),1.90十大赌博登录官网GPA
  • 60学分后(十大赌博登录官网加上转学分),2.十大赌博登录官网GPA 


  • 保持3分.无论修完多少学分,平均绩点都是00.

Students who do not meet the required standards will receive a 金融援助 warning 请注意. While on a warning 状态, students are eligible to receive 金融援助. 警告状态只能维持一个学期. 仍然在下面的学生 standards for a second semester will have all 金融援助 canceled. 学生可能 appeal the loss of 金融援助 under the appeal policy outlined 下面. 

所有接受经济援助的学生必须在150%的时间内完成他们的课程 正常课程长度的一部分,以学时计算. 如果学生不能完成 他们的学位在这个时间范围内,或者超过了这个时间范围,他们将受到处罚 to the loss of 金融援助, which can be appealed following the procedure outlined 下面. The maximum timeframe will be adjusted on an exception basis for students who transfer in credits, change their majors or enroll in a subsequent degree. 

Students who have lost 金融援助 eligibility for failure to maintain SAP will 被书面通知财政援助的取消. 有减轻负担的学生 情况下s wishing to appeal their 状态 may do so, in writing, to the Financial 援助办公室,在他们通知上列出的截止日期之前. 减轻处罚的情节 may include, but are not limited to: illness or injury of the student or immediate family member; death of a relative; or other extenuating 情况下. 一个委员会 将评估上诉并决定是否允许学生继续学习 to receive financial 以留校察看或学习计划身份提供援助.


  1. The reason why the student failed to meet the SAP standard(s) 和
  2. What has changed in the student’s situation to allow them to meet the SAP standards 和  
  3. 支持文档. 

Appeals will not be reviewed without all of the criteria outlined above.

If an 上诉获批准 and 金融援助 is reinstated, the student will receive 以留校察看或学习计划身份提供援助. 需要留校察看 to regain SAP standing by the end of the next semester (“probationary semester”); the terms of the probation will be included in the 请注意 to the student when the 上诉获批准.

如果学生在试用学期结束前不能重新获得SAP评分,则学校将取消学生的SAP评分 学生将被置于学术计划状态. 学术计划是结构化的 to assist the student in regaining SAP 状态 by a projected point in time not to 超过最大时间范围. 学术计划的具体条款将包括在内 在上诉被批准时发给学生的通知中,将包括100% 结业(没有W或F成绩)及最少2分.0学期GPA.

上诉委员会决定的书面通知将通过电子邮件发送给学生 在SAP通知中规定的时间范围内.

Student progress will be reviewed every semester while on an Academic Plan. 如果是学生 fails to meet the requirements of the Academic Plan, they will become ineligible for 金融援助. A student may not appeal SAP using the same reason more than once. 既不支付 for one’s classes nor sitting out for a term affects a student’s academic progress 因此,这两项都不足以重新确立援助资格. 

在某些特殊情况下,财政援助管理员可以修改相关数据 FAFSA的信息.  一个学生可能有特殊情况也可能有不寻常情况 情况下. Financial aid administrators may make adjustments that are appropriate 以每个学生的情况 适当的文档.  A valid FAFSA must be on file to consider any professional judgment.  提交 of a special or unusual 情况下 does not guarantee an adjustment will be made.  These 情况下s must be reviewed annually and do not automatically carry over 年复一年.  请联系财政援助办公室了解更多信息.


While the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student 援助) is intended to determine 一个家庭可以合理预期为学生支付的大学费用, 情况下s occasionally arise that make the FAFSA data an inaccurate picture of 家庭现有的资源. 特殊情况允许我们评估你的 current financial 情况下s to determine if there is additional aid eligibility.


  • 受供养学生的父母退休
  • 受供养学生的父母离婚/死亡
  • 父母失去工作/福利或收入减少
  • IRA展期或其他一次性收入(非经常性付款)
  • Private secondary school tuition paid (not including the college student)
  • Reduction of untaxed income (child support or Social Security income)
  • High unreimbursed medical expenses in the base year (the tax year reported on your FAFSA)


  • 标准生活费用增加
  • Purchasing material items such a car, home appliance, vacations, second homes, etc.
  • 减少资产
  • Credit issues, lines of credit changes, previous loan debt, etc.
  • Medical bills paid by health insurance or reimbursed by health care coverage


然而,FAFSA根据一系列问题来确定抚养状态,财务问题 援助管理人员可以在特殊情况下对依赖性进行调整 通常称为依赖覆盖.


  • 人口贩运的受害者
  • 难民或庇护身份
  • 父母遗弃或监禁
  • 虐待家庭环境
  • 丧失父母(s)
  • 父母双方在申请FAFSA后死亡
  • Unaccompanied youth who is homeless or at risk of being homeless


No longer living with parents (unless due to one of the above 情况下s)


  • Know what 金融援助 is available at the college, including federal, state and 机构项目
  • Understand how your 金融援助 eligibility was determined and how 金融援助 将被支付
  • Understand the eligibility criteria for 金融援助 awards, and the criteria for 保留经济援助奖励
  • 了解你的助学金,以及如何接受或拒绝助学金
  • Expect that your 金融援助 records, including your parents’ financial records (if applicable), will be kept confidential in accordance with FERPA and information 安全需求
  • 收到关于你的学生贷款的信息,包括利率,来源 费用,贷款服务,延期和还款选择
  • 根据特殊或不寻常要求对经济援助资格进行额外审查 情况下
  • Request an adjustment to the 成本 of Attendance for childcare or disability expenses


  • 及时提供完整准确的信息
  • Using 金融援助 基金 solely for educationally related expenses
  • 在收到第一笔贷款之前完成学生贷款入学咨询, 如果需要
  • 向十大赌博登录官网报告任何额外的外部援助,如奖学金,津贴,雇主 报销和学费减免
  • 报告你的姓名、地址、社会保险号和其他信息的任何变化 立即给十大赌博登录官网
  • 保持令人满意的学业进展
  • 偿还任何超额支付的经济援助
  • Completing student loan exit counseling when you graduate, withdraw or drop 下面 半场招生
  • 偿还你收到的任何贷款
  • Reporting any portion of grants and scholarships that exceed tuition, fees, books, and supplies as taxable income when filing your federal income tax return

1. 禁止财务安排

学校和员工都不会接受任何超过名义价值的东西 from any lending 机构、担保机构或贷款服务机构.  这特别 包括收入分享安排和优先贷款人/担保人/服务的付款或礼物 状态, and the provision of printing and mailing at 下面-market prices.  它还 includes gifts or donations to students or the school and other grants, scholarships 或奖励.  

2. 禁止送礼和旅行
School employees may not accept gifts of more than nominal value from any lending 机构、担保机构或贷款服务机构.  这包括付款和偿还 for lodging, meals and travel to conferences, meetings or training seminars.

3. 咨询委员会规则/薪酬

School employees are prohibited from receiving anything of value for serving on an advisory board , commission or group of any lending institution, guaranty agency, 或者贷款服务商.  Employees are also prohibited from any type of consulting arrangement 为贷款人、担保机构或贷款方提供服务或代表其提供服务的合同 与教育贷款有关的服务(合理费用报销除外).

4. 优先贷款人指引 
The school’s preferred lender list must be based solely on the best interests of the students or parents who may use the list without regard to financial interests of 该机构.  学校不会 assign a lender, guaranty agency, 或者贷款服务商 给首次借款者.

5. 首选贷款人披露
在所有首选贷款机构名单上,商学院将清楚而全面地披露标准 and process used to select preferred lenders, guaranty agencies, 或者贷款服务商s and inform students and parents that they have the right and ability to select the 他们选择的贷款人,不管首选的贷款人名单.  学校不会 delay or deny a loan based on a student’s choice of lender, guaranty agency, or loan 不引导借款人到特定的贷款人,担保机构,或贷款服务.

6. 贷款转售披露和机会贷款禁止
No lending 机构、担保机构或贷款服务机构 may appear on a preferred 如果贷款人同意将贷款出售给其他贷款机构,则贷款人名单; 担保机构或贷款服务机构,但不披露此事实.  此外,没有贷款 institution may bargain to be a preferred lender, guaranty agency, 或者贷款服务商 with respect to a certain type of loan by providing benefits to 该机构 as to another type of loan (opportunity loans, except that 该机构 may offer loans to international students, at fair market rates, who would be otherwise unable 获得国内贷款).

7. 禁止呼叫中心和人员配置
The school must ensure that employees of lending institutions, guaranty agencies, 或者贷款服务人员从不向学生表明自己是该机构的雇员. 贷款机构、担保机构或贷款服务机构的雇员不得工作 在学校的财政援助办公室工作或提供工作人员.  

1974年的《十大赌博登录官网》是一部联邦法律,它规定了书面的 institutional policy must be established and that a statement of adopted procedure 必须保障学生的隐私权. 法律的目的 是要求院校对学生的教育记录保密. 你可以阅读FERPA政策 学术目录.

十大赌博正规平台在线符合法律的要求. 欲知更多资料 concerning access to student records, please contact the Registrar’s office; email registrar@yongshuo.net,请致电(616)632-2871,或访问赫鲁比大厅30室. 

If students wish to grant access to their student record (waive FERPA), they can do 因此,在 自助服务.